Economic Development and Global Integration: Perspectives from Vietnam

Globalization, Governance, and Security in Southeast Asia: Perspectives from Malaysia

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I arrived in Kualu Lumpur on May 31st after two days of travel. I have never been to Asia before, let alone Malaysia and I had no idea what was in store for me. I went through security, found my luggage in one piece, and hopped into a taxi with a kind man who didn't speak a word of English, and just as frustrating, I do not speak any Indian languages.
Many wrong turns later, we arrived at Lensvilla, the hostel I would be living at for the next two and a half months. It is a modest living area-there is a main room with a large table and six desks, a bathroom, a room with a sink, a few bedrooms, and my bedroom. I was assigned a roommate, something that would prove to be interesting, as I have not shared a room with someone in almost ten years! I unpacked everything, and now I was ready to start my adventure.

The next day I was off to my internship. I was extremely excited to get to work and see what my responsibilities for the rest of the summer would be. I am interested in gender equality and women's empowerment and Dr. Heng found me an organization that she believed I would be perfect for. I was accepted as a summer intern for All Women's Action Society (AWAM). AWAM started as a movement in 1985. Many young students left Malaysia to study abroad - New Zealand, Australia, UK,and the United States. They came back feeling energized and ready to fight for inequalities that surrounded women around them. They started as a movement with the goal of initiating an act that would be an end to domestic violence. Over twenty years later, AWAM is still working tirelessly to fight for gender-equality. They work on various campaigns, train counselors, collaborate with other humans right organizations, and counsel women who have been victims of abuse.

The office is actually a three-story home in a residential area. This gives a safe and welcoming feeling the moment you step into the office. Once I got there, and took off my shoes, I meet with my boss Betty. She introduced me to the friendly staff (a total of four paid members and the rest of the work is handled by an incredibly dedicated group of volunteers and interns.) I would be an advocacy intern, focusing specifically on a campaign that is working towards criminalizing sexual-harassment. I am very much looking forward to what my internship and this summer will bring. More updates to come!

Be well,


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